Ten Possible Alien Technosignatures to Telescopes on the Moon (The Galaxy Report) – The Daily Galaxy

By Editorial Team Published on October 28, 2022 16:56

Today’s stories include Black Holes Wobbling Three Times a Second have Proved Einstein Right to Astronomers Have Unveiled the World’s Largest Digital Camera, and much more.

One of Jupiter’s moons may be hiding magnificent underwater lakes — and perhaps even life–Europa, a prime candidate for extraterrestrial life, has an icy surface that hides a bustling, watery interior, reports Salon. “This is significant because, just as life on Earth originated from the vast array of water-based structures on our planet, life on Europa may very well be flourishing within any system of lakes that exists on that planet.”

If aliens have visited the solar system, here’s how to find clues they left, reports Paul Sutter for Space.com–“So far, all searches for extraterrestrial life have come up empty. But there is another avenue that is relatively unexplored: the search for extraterrestrial artifacts (SETA). The idea behind this approach is that if aliens become advanced enough, they might want to explore the galaxy, either by themselves or through robotic spacecraft during the 4.5 billion-year history of the solar system–plenty of time to swing by our neighborhood and maybe leave a mark.

Telescopes on the Moon–Our future in space relies on settling the Moon and using it as a base to probe the deepest questions in the cosmos, reports Joseph Silk, Homewood Research Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University for Aeon. “Only from the lunar surface can we mount the ultimate search for our origins. We’ll achieve this by constructing novel telescopes of unprecedented scope in dark lunar craters and on the far side of the Moon.”

Black holes wobbling three times a second have proved Einstein right–A pair of merging black holes show extreme signs of gravity-induced orbital precession, or wobbling, as predicted by Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, reports New Scientist.

NASA Spacecraft Accomplishes Mission and Smashes Asteroid Into New Orbit–The DART mission proved more successful than expected in adjusting the trajectory of Dimorphos, suggesting that a deadly space rock could be deflected in the future, reports The New York Times.

Jet from neutron stars seems to travel seven times the speed of light–An optical illusion created by the relative positions of Earth and a pair of colliding neutron stars makes it seem like a jet of radiation is traveling at seven times the speed of light – but thankfully no laws of physics have been broken, reports New Scientist.

James Webb telescope captures ‘cosmic fingerprint’ formed by two giant stars–Series of 17 concentric dust rings was spawned by Wolf-Rayet 140 binary system thousands of light years away, reports The Guardian. “Like clockwork, WR140 puffs out a sculpted smoke ring every eight years, which is then inflated in the stellar wind like a balloon,” said Prof Peter Tuthill of the Sydney Institute for Astronomy at the University of Sydney, a study co-author. 

‘We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This Before:’ Black Hole Spews Out Material Years After Shredding Star, reports the Harvard CfA. The team concludes that the black hole is now ejecting material traveling at half of the speed of light, but are unsure why the outflow was delayed by several years.

Astronomers have unveiled the world’s largest digital camera--The world’s largest digital camera for astronomy is taller than a car, has as many pixels as 266 iPhones and will, over the course of the next 10 years, help researchers study billions of galaxies, reports New Scientist.

Black hole discovered firing jet at neighboring galaxy, reports the Royal Astronomical Society. The black hole is hosted by a galaxy around one billion light years away from Earth named RAD12.

Two exoplanets have a strangely heavy element floating in their skies–Astronomers have found barium floating high in the atmospheres of two sweltering exoplanets, and they don’t know how such a heavy element ended up where it is, reports New Scientist.

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