Posted on Jan 16, 2019
The “Planet Earth Report” connects you to the day’s news on the science, technology, discoveries, and events changing our planet and the future of the human species.
Glaciers are Retreating –Millions Rely on Their Water
The ‘Age of Tech’ Is Over
Have Aliens Found Us? A Harvard Astronomer on the Mysterious Interstellar Object ‘Oumuamua’ –Avi Loeb, the chair of Harvard’s astronomy department, believes the object “may be a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth’s vicinity by an alien civilization.”
North Korea’s Less-Known Military Threat: Biological Weapons –Military analysts are increasingly concerned about the nation’s “advanced, underestimated and highly lethal” bioweapons program
Steam-powered spaceship could cruise the cosmos indefinitely without running out of gas –Scientists say the microwave-sized craft would suck its watery fuel right out of the asteroids, planets and moons it’s exploring.
There’s a Huge Ice Disk in a Maine River. No, the Aliens Aren’t Coming.
How Japan’s skyscrapers are built to survive earthquakes –Japan is home to some of the most resilient buildings in the world – and their secret lies in their capacity to dance as the ground moves beneath them.
This Short Film Imagines the Terrifying, AI-Fueled Future of Work –In Keiichi Matsuda’s short film, a hapless worker competes with AI in a future where humans have been proven to be less efficient than machines.
Flowers can hear buzzing bees—and it makes their nectar sweeter –“I’d like people to understand that hearing is not only for ears.”