Posted on Dec 3, 2018
“It could have been a neutron star that collapsed to a black hole after some time or turned immediately into a black hole,” said Karl Wette, at Australia National University and a member of Center of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery. Scientists were not sure what was formed from the neutron-star merger that was detected in August last year. “Our new project will help to provide critical information about what we get from the merger of two neutron stars.”
Posted on Dec 3, 2018
The water in Saturn’s rings and satellites is like that on Earth except for its bastard moon Phoebe, “which is out of this world,” was the first target encountered upon the arrival of the Cassini spacecraft in the Saturn system in 2004, observed the Planetary Science Institute. Phoebe is very dark, reflecting only 6 percent of the sunlight it receives. Its darkness and irregular, retrograde orbit suggest Phoebe is most likely a captured Centaur from the outer solar system.
Posted on Dec 3, 2018